WEB CONFERENCE Architectural and Landscape Cultural Heritage
Knowledge, Research, Preservation and Reuse in the fragile vernacular territories
The daily abandonment of ancient settlements and their progressive disappearance, because considered no longer so advantageous from the modern life style and economic point of view, creates problems not only to the historical buildings and to landscape, but also to the hydrogeological systems of vast territories that for centuries have been modified and specially structured for the eco-sustainable exploitation of the resources and of cultivated areas.
Thus, even the historical and traditional build-ings made of stone, clay and local wood, whose beauty and historical relevance and their many connections, could frequently justify today the recognition of them as World
Heritage Sites, are unfortunately in diffuse deterioration condition and abandonment and so under risks to be lost forever.
This research and teaching activities started within the Erasmus plus KA107 2020-2022 promoted by Politecnico di Milano with the partnership of Biskra University: the main goals of the collaboration are to recognize the value of that kind of landscapes and settlements and to develop a sharing of professional perspec-tives in the field of protection and valorisation of vernacular architecture, including material, immaterial and environmental heritage preservation for their transmission to future generations.
The conference will present and discuss some ongoing researches and results in this field from the landscape scale to the technological particular one.
organized by
Francesco Augelli
Susanna Bortolotto
Morning session 9.30 – 12.15
Aziz Bentaleb / Farid Hireche / Asmae Bouaouinate / Alberta Cazzani / Noureddine Zemmouri / Kenza Torai / Nelly Cattaneo / Serena Massa
Afternoon session 14:15 — 17:00
Salima Naji / Soumia Bouzaher / Njoud Alanbari / Alessandra Battistelli / Davide Strada / Najet Aroua / Matteo Colombo / Noureddine Belghar / Belhi Guerira